Our projects


The Garden Club of Mount Desert has several ongoing civic projects. These include the Charlotte Rhoades Park and Butterfly Garden in Southwest Harbor, where one of our members was the inspiration for the founding and creation of this garden, and oversees its ongoing maintenance. Provisional and other Members of our club work alongside Master Gardeners in the garden each week in the summer months.

Provisional Members also work in the garden and on other projects at Garland Farm, home to The Beatrix Farrand Society — this was Mrs. Farrand’s final home and garden where she lived from 1955–1959.



Additionally, The Garden Club of Mount Desert plants a tree, shrub, or purchases a container or other garden ornament in memory of club members when they pass away. The locations are selected in conjunction with a member’s family. To date, over 30 trees and/or shrubs have been planted, and are overseen by our club.

At one meeting each summer, club members are asked to create a miniature arrangement suitable for a breakfast tray or bedside table. These are then taken to the Mount Desert Island Hospital, and to a rehabilitation/residential care facility on island. Finally, the club purchases bulbs and shrubs, etc. that are planted at schools and other special places on the island to be used as learning tools, or to add to the beauty of a special place.



Club members are making a concerted effort to reduce the use of plastic on the island and elsewhere. A club member donated metal water bottles with our logo to sell to members and other interested conservationists. And our most recent public event utilized recyclable plastic glasses, plates and napkins as part of this effort.