Main Street Blooms
The inspiration for the Garden Club of Mount Desert’s “Main Street Blooms” was an event held at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, and at other museums around the country. A celebration of art and creativity, designers interpret various works of art with floral creations. We stepped it up a notch and decided to have each arranger or team take on an entire store or business on Main Street, Northeast Harbor, culminating with a tour of the town. One year, members randomly picked their assignment out of a hat; the next year, teams got together and chose what they wanted to do.
Each place of business is showcased with a floral arrangement(s) that is the designer’s interpretation of that establishment. It has been a wonderful way for the Garden Club to interact with the town, and the buzz of excitement and anticipation of what each store will feature makes for a fun and creative project. The arrangements “debut” on a late July Thursday evening, when stores stay open late to attract business. Our arrangements provide additional enticement!