Guidelines for Proposers of Candidates for Membership in the Garden Club of Mount Desert

September 2022

Following are guidelines for proposers of potential new members.  

Sections in “quotes” are quoted from the bylaws.  


Those who have been Active Members for one year are eligible to propose, second and support candidates for Provisional Membership.  Honorary Members may propose, second and support candidates for Provisional Membership.  Affiliate and Sustaining Members may not propose or second candidates but may write letters of support.

Board Members may nominate, second and write letters of support for candidates, other than for relatives.  Executive Committee members and Membership Committee members may not propose or write letters of support for candidates for membership.  Provisional Members may not propose or support candidates for membership.  


“Qualifications for membership in GCMD should include significant attachment to Mt. Desert Island, with property ownership preferred, the ability       to attend a minimum of three GCMD Members’ meetings each summer, the knowledge and appreciation of plants and flowers, an active interest in gardening, horticulture, and conservation, and a willingness to serve as an officer and on a committee, and to share in all aspects and work of the Club.

“Before beginning the membership process, any member planning to propose a candidate shall acquaint the potential candidate with the GCMD by bringing her to at least two or more meetings.  An initial positive response by the Membership Committee should precede the Proposer’s suggesting Club membership to the potential candidate.  The Proposer shall be certain of the candidate’s interest in the club and willingness to participate in the club’s activities.   The Membership Chairman shall share with the Board names of candidates recommended by the Membership Committee; this shall be done in advance of or at the first Board Meeting of the year.  The goal is to have at least two and no more than four candidates at a time during one summer season.”

Please note:  The Membership Committee Chair will provide the Proposers with the form to use for their proposal.  Please contact that individual for the forms and with any questions.  


“Proposing a new member is a two-step process:

“The Proposer shall submit an Intent to Propose form to the Membership Committee by May 15. The form shall first be reviewed by the Membership Committee.  This can be done via email and Zoom, or at an in-person meeting.  At the first Board Meeting of the year, the Membership Chairman shall report to the Board on the individuals in the Membership pipeline.  Proposers shall be notified of next   steps as soon as possible after the first Board meeting.

“The complete proposal package shall be submitted to the Membership Chair by August 15.”  (The proposal package consists of the Application Form, Proposal and Seconding letters, plus two letters of support.)  “It shall be considered based on positive response by the Membership Committee.  The Membership Chair shall email a brief biographical summary of candidates including the names of their Proposers to the club’s membership.  If the Membership Committee decides to recommend the candidate for Board approval, a vote shall be taken at the final Board meeting of the summer, a quorum being present.”


Once the proposal package has been submitted to the Membership Chair, the Proposer should prepare a brief bio for her candidate. These bios are sent to the membership before the Fall Board Meeting and are generally a paragraph in length. They should include membership and activities in other clubs, interests in gardening and in other GCMD activities, and anything additional that may be of help to GCMD members to better know the candidate.

Also, it is important for Proposers to take their candidate to the Board Tea and to any other appropriate meetings during the summer.  The Butterfly Release is also a good place for candidates to meet members and learn more about our club. 

Proposers should feel free to contact the Membership Chair at any time with questions about the proposal process.